The Baptism of Jesus manifestation of the Triune God
Today's Gospel is one of the passages in the New Testament where God is self-manifested as a Trinity of Persons.
God shows men how to be is in his divine nature, three persons.
Triune God, eternal, breaks into human history, and his self-revelation through Jesus does is he to reveal the Father and the Spirit.
The manifestation of the Trinity in history has a double purpose: first, the Chosen People say that the One God who chose Israel, and Three in Persons, on the other hand, aims to understand that all three Persons of the Trinity are involved in the salvation of men.
Processions eternal Trinity are made present in history and in the souls of the baptized: its outward manifestation and the dove-sensitive and you see the Son, the Father is heard, you play, so the inner and invisible, the soul of the baptized, when Jesus leaves the water falls on him the Holy Spirit and the Father says: "... I have begotten you." What happens in Jordan is the prolongation in the time of the processions of the Trinity: the Father begets the Son in the Spirit of Love. And this is what happens in the soul of the baptized: after being immersed in water, baptized in the Holy Spirit descends on him the gift of divine grace: the eternal Father generates an adopted son.
The theophany at the Jordan announces that it's time for Jesus' messianic, eschatological time began, signaling that the Lamb of God, Jesus, the Incarnate Word, he began his public activity that will take him to the cross in fulfillment of the will of the Father.
The output from the waters connecting coll'innalzarsi on the cross is his glory made by the Spirit. For the anointing of the Spirit, the Incarnation, the Incarnate Word was made Priest, Prophet and King, and now, the same Spirit brings it to fulfillment of the work of salvation through his passion.
eternal Persons are made present in history, the scene of the Jordan, and shall contain the soul of the baptized.
What the purpose of this presence of the divine persons? As is the way you do this mission over time and in our souls?
People are sent, ie, have a mission. There is a symbolic mission, visible, sensible, which is intended to symbolize the work that the divine person performs, for example, the dove in Jordan, the flames in Pentecost. In this symbolic mission, there is a substantial presence of the Holy Spirit in the dove-in-flames, but it is a symbolic mission, that is to say, is to ensure that we know that the dove is the Holy Spirit to guide the mission of salvation Son, entrusted by the Father. It is visible, sensitive, symbolic.
But there is another, the real mission, which is internal, invisible, the one where the divine person can not be seen as a symbol, but is actually within man. In this mission, the divine person, through the grace of sonship, which is bridge, enters into the soul, is she herself, in person, with his being and his divine substance, in man. And since the divine persons are always and everywhere together, because they are inseparable, when a person enters the soul, entering the other. Therefore the soul of the baptized, and soul in the grace of God, there is a continuation of the eternal Trinitarian processions, that is to say, there is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
When a person enters the soul divine, it is for a mission within this soul, which will be the subject of this Person. What is the purpose of this entry of the divine persons in the soul? What is the purpose of this get him in the Persons of the Trinity?
We can not be used, as were the objects, the Persons of the Trinity. What we can do-and this is the purpose of the person's presence in the soul-is to enjoy the People of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
This benefit of persons in this earthly life is a foretaste of what will be in bliss. They are the "deposits" of the Spirit, a sign, a test of future glory. There a difference of degree, not essential, because it is the same Presence that we in the afterlife. In this life, the vision is for faith alone, in another life, the happiness, the vision will be perfect, but in time we have a presence in the soul of the divine persons, when we are in grace, and we can enjoy the gioirci of this divine presence.
Our access to the Trinity and the entry of the Trinity in us, was made possible thanks to the sacrifice made to love us, that Jesus was his freedom to offend the Father, as perfect and eternal sacrifice, to make us children of God and give us an opportunity personal encounter with the Trinity.
But He not only has made possible, once and for all, our access to the Trinity, dying on the cross by giving Himself. There continues to make us, in every Eucharist, the gift of his person and beside him, gives us the Holy Spirit. And next to them, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Principle.
In every Eucharist repeats the theophany at the Jordan, but the divine Persons are not, as now, a symbolic mission, sensitive. Every time we celebrate Mass, we celebrate the Eucharist, we eat the Eucharist, we repeat the theophany Jordan, then in an inner, invisible, in every soul who receives the Eucharist.
If the soul is not in sin, every time it receives the Eucharist, the Divine Being itself, the substantial presence of the Three Divine Persons acting in him his salvation, wet ' blood in the blood of the Lamb of God, to bring it, purified and sanctified in the Spirit from the Father.
For this gift of Trinitarian communion that takes place in Christ in the Eucharist, we join Him in His eternal return thanks to God the Father.
Let us unite ourselves to Christ, always present with his divine being, with his divine substance, in the Eucharist as a thanksgiving to the Father.
Let our souls to another Jordan, where more and more manifest the Triune God.