John the Baptist, seeing Jesus, said, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" (Jn 1, 29-34). Jesus takes away the sins. What is sin? How sin manifests itself in us? We see the first man created the image of God, made the son of God for sanctifying grace, pienificato with supernatural gifts, such as immortality, the absence of suffering, profound intelligence, in short, a human being almost equaled the angels, because a friend of God He lived in Paradise, which means, in the presence of God, God had enjoyed the privilege of passing all his supernatural gifts along with the transmission of life. Namely, in the generation of children. But the angel diabolical deception, leads man to disobedience, and this is the original sin: man despises the voice of God and listen to the voice of Satan. Thus Adam, the first man, lost all the gifts God had given him. Lose the friendship with God, you enemy of God God is Light, and out of the light, there is only darkness. This is the sin darkness. With sin, Adam, and with him the whole human nature, is submerged in darkness. With sin, man loses all contact with God, is stripped of his glory, send sin. To turn away from God in the soul causes a darkening the darkest of darkest night. The soul is ejected from the bosom of God, which is the infinite Being, Love and Light, and is submerged in the abyss of nothingness, hatred and malice. In nature remains a good thing: being a being created by God, is the ability to do some good deeds. But human nature, away from God, is mortally wounded. No longer has the divine life in the soul, even if the person speaks, eats, drinks and smiles. Without God, the soul is dead to the life of God, even if it is beating the heart and lungs breathing.
How can we realize the presence of original sin in humanity? Seeing the evil, the immense evil that escapes in the world, an evil that lies on the other place that the human heart. From the human heart there are the bad thoughts, desires, evil, evil deeds. Look at history humanity, to this day: many wars, only made the vast majority to subjugate the other things that, being created by God and man is my brother, though both Chinese, Japanese, African. Wars are an example of the wickedness of man. Closer to home, the data provided by the newspapers every day: murders, thefts, wars and threats of wars, Abussi all sorts of class.
Let us ourselves, we are able to do good deeds, we have something good, which is our being, created by God we have good thoughts and desires and actions, we have many good things. But we also so many bad things. It is our daily experience. The evil arises from our hearts. It is true that there is the devil, who, as a spiritual person, along with his angels, flying all the time in our lives, it is true that this land belongs to the world dominion of the king of darkness, the devil. But his actions and his advice would fall on deaf ears if they had not heard from us. From our heart without light, he hears the voice of Satan rather than God, there is evil. It is the mystery of evil and sin, the mystery of darkness that envelop the soul of man and the world, although there is the sun, moon and stars. The awareness of our separation from God is clearly shown in the liturgy of the Mass of St. Basil the Great: "Holy, Holy, Holy are You, O Lord, our God, O You who have created and we have made to dwell in the paradise of joy. And when we have disobeyed your command for the seduction of the serpent we have lost eternal life, and we were exiled from the paradise of joy. You, however, there have never abandoned, and indeed we have always visited by thy holy prophets. And in the fullness of time, while we were in darkness and the shadow of death, you have revealed to us in your Only Son our Lord Jesus Christ who was incarnate by the Holy Spirit by the Virgin Mary. "
"While we were in darkness and the shadow of death." This is the sin, darkness and shadow of death. From us alone, never had the power to take away from this spot to get out of the darkness of evil and death and besieged by the devil, far from God is impossible for us, because there is an infinite distance between us and God . Moreover, the power of Satan and his kingdom are absolutely superior to our forces. Our nuclear weapons are not the only smile at the little diavoleto Hell.
If this is so, who can save us, give us light, life, strength to do even of good deeds, to win the King of the underworld to conquer death, evil, sin? Who can give us the joy of living in God, hope of a good life in the land and happy eternity in the company of our loved ones, the saints, and especially of God? Who can give us joy and eternal life? Only Jesus Only He, the Eternal High Priest, the Word Incarnate, is able to offer a sacrifice pleasing to God, which can be paid for all our sins, the sins of all mankind. Jesus is the Lamb of God offered a burnt offering, which taketh away the sins of the world. The High Priest carries upon himself the sins of men, the malice of the human heart, the door upon himself, and with these sins, which are not his, because he is Immaculate, but our salt on the cross, and immolated on the cross as a lamb. Pour into his Blood, that since the Blood of the Word, has the power to disappear, once and for all, all the sins of men, all my sins. He carries on his shoulders for my sins, all are clean and on the cross by his blood, burnt by the fire of the Holy Spirit that is poured out with his blood. This happens on the cross, mysteriously happens in sacramental confession, where the power of his blood away my sins. This ascent of Jesus is renewed in every Mass, and we, as we are baptized, we are made one body with Him, and how his body is sacrificed in the Mass, also killed with him why we are in this Mass, let us thank God, through Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, our Savior, who takes away the darkness and the shadow of death, by giving himself in person, in the Eucharist. We give thanks to God, Jesus, because He is the Light, Love, and fireplace eternal Life.
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