The Eucharist is the Bread of Eternal Life, because it is not a material food, but the body and blood of Christ, the eternal God (cf. Mk 11, 27 - 33). The Pharisees are shocked because of the words of Jesus, so they do not understand the Word of God rejected Jesus as God and believe that what Jesus says, refers to the body and blood of Jesus was not yet glorified. A purely human can never reach the mystery of the Eucharist.
Jesus speaks for God and how God knows that He will leave his body and his blood glorified as the food of eternal life.
When Jesus speaks of eating and drinking his body and his blood, refers to the Eucharist, the Mass: "If you do not drink ... unless you eat": body and blood of Jesus Christ, present under the appearance of bread and wine, are the life of God comunicataci us.
When Jesus is speaking to the Jews and the Pharisees had in mind the celebration of Mass, the Eucharist, which is his body and his blood filled and glorified by the presence hypostatic, staff, the Holy Spirit , Spirit of the divine life, so he calls himself "the living Bread which came down from heaven."
The body and blood of Christ are the Eucharist, there he offers us, from delicious food, the Passover meal, as living bread which gives us the eternal life of God through the Eucharistic Bread, the life of the Triune God as we convert to the principle of a new life, the Eucharist, other than to human, it is eternal life because it is the life of the Trinity us.
The body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist is a spiritual sacrifice, and spiritual food, owing to the divinity that dwells in them.
For the miracle of transubstantiation, there is neither bread nor wine after the consecration. The substances of bread and wine are transformed into the substance body and blood of Jesus glorified. Are the body and blood of the divine Person of the Word of God, people living and enduring.
So the Eucharist is the real presence of the divine Person of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is a substantial and spiritual, that is to say, the Eucharist is the substantial presence of the divine Person Presence of Jesus substantial, genuine, spiritual, mystical, it means there, on the altar, in reality, not in our imagination.
So when we eat the Eucharist, we seem to eat a little bread, but there is no bread: there is Jesus who offers us food from God's eternal.
Eucharist, we incorporate the Lord Jesus to our souls, but it is also true that the God Jesus embodies his body, so that we form one body with him.
Eucharist is Jesus, but also the Holy Spirit: he is to do the work of our sanctification, because He, the Spirit is poured over our souls every time we eat the ' Eucharist.
In a mystical and real, the Holy Spirit is poured out on us through the sacrifice of Jesus in the altar.
Thus, our soul, taking part in the Eucharistic banquet, you indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And this spirit must guide our life, must help us to do the good works of God's children
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