The Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist takes with the life force of divine love and the Trinity the life force of humanity the God-Man Jesus, pienificata from divinity. His heart is the place, the instrument through which is poured out on men's love of the Trinity substantial, and at the same time, the place where men are incorporated into Christ to make eternal worship of the Triune God.
The Eucharistic Heart of Christ is the wonderful gift of love that makes the soul
The love with which you like the eternally divine persons is contained in its fullness substantial, in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Sacred Heart of Jesus So this is where the Trinity
The Eucharistic Heart of Christ is the Heart, which together substantially to the divine Person of the Word, pienificato the glory and the holiness of the Word of God and love of pienificato Person of the Holy Spirit, giving praise and glory and worship Eternal Triune God.
Christ, and that there is substantially present spiritually in the Eucharist, continues and extends the altar, the Eucharist, the Incarnation, which is, in turn, a continuation and extension of His eternal generation . Namely, in the Eucharist, Christ is eternally begotten of the Father, eternally incarnate, risen and eternally present, glorious and thrice-holy God the Father in the womb from which it was generated.
Eucharist, Christ, the Man-God, the Holy Spirit who dwells bodily in him, gives praise, glory, love and adoration to God for all eternity. On the other hand, the Eucharistic Heart of Christ is the place where men are incorporated into Christ and in him are incorporated into the Trinity.
The eternal exchange of love between the divine Persons is communicated and poured into the hearts of men through the Heart Men receive the Eucharistic Jesus, in every Eucharist, the love of God substantial, the Holy Spirit, who is deposed, personally, in the depths of man, that man can know, love and enjoy of the divine persons.
The Eucharistic Heart of Christ is also the place where men can, in Christ, Christ, with Christ, united to Him in a union is not merely moral, but natural and organic, praise, love and worship the Triune God, existing in time, in anticipation of eternal bliss.
[1] See Matthias Joseph Scheeben , Los misterios of Christianity, Ediciones Herder, Barcelona 1964, 444.
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