The temptation by the devil, is unreasonable. It is unreasonable to worship the devil of temptation-a-because it is a creature, and because only God deserves to be worshiped, it is unreasonable to desire worldly glory, because we are destined to eternal bliss, it is unreasonable to God for a miracle groped absurd: the Miracles have a way of showing that Jesus is God
Jesus never gave consent ol'assenso interior of his will or intelligence, to sin, which is after the temptation, for his humanity had created the grace of the hypostatic union with the Word of God, the uncreated grace Holy Spirit.
Instead, we, the temptation, sensible or intelligible, reaches through the charm, intelligence and will, until we make a free act that adheres to evil. Jesus teaches us the power and goodness of God
Jesus could never fall into sin, because is the Lamb of God, is God made man.
But he wanted to leave groped for us to recognize the malice of the devil and the goodness of God
But not just leave us as outside: since we are of Christ's members in by baptism, he is to act with us and in us. Our virtuous act, against the temptations, is an act with Christ and in Christ.
This means that if we are the Body of Christ and act like him, in him and for him, because the members receive the grace and strength that comes down by his boss. Christ works in us, telling us about the divine power, so that our actions are done with him: He is to work with us in our free and virtuous act. In any free act, done in grace, he is a work in us. He is giving us the will and acting. Without him we can not do anything good.
is the value of temptation and trial: is the time where the Lord is shown through our weakness, with all his power.
He works in us each time we recognize the temptation, the dark shadow of the devil.
The rejection of temptation, without using the power of the Spirit of Christ working in us and through us, is an occasion for growth in research and discovery of the love of God revealed in Christ Jesus
So the temptation is needed, not only because we need to grow in the rejection of evil and the knowledge of good. If it were only that, it would indeed be a good thing, but only at the level of nature. There is still something more to act in Christ, there is the power of the Spirit. To overcome the temptations, you have to do a virtuous act and supernatural, which means new act: to act in the manner and with the power of Jesus is to share in his saving action is to save through the virtuous act of resisting temptations, and this, because Jesus is God to work with us the will and acting virtuoso. Here's something more: a virtuous act that wins the temptations, we must realize, recognize, there is the action of Jesus through my virtuous action.
recognize the presence of Jesus, His love working in us, every act of virtue. So the value of temptation.
Like Jesus, we can, by virtue of his blood, overcoming all manner of temptation. Our Lord has conquered Satan once and for all. Re-live the Eucharist, we actualize our salvation. Becomes present in his presence, so we can recognize in him the true God to worship, the true Bread from heaven that gives eternal life, the true realm that we must win.
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