"... You are the light of the world and salt of the earth ...." Why did Jesus say that? Not that there's already the sunlight? And he had told him: "I am the light of the world? If He is the light, he says, 'you' are the light? Jesus speaks to his apostles, his chosen ones, those who chose him personally. Jesus speaks to all the baptized, because every baptized person has received the light of God in the soul, every baptized person has received the salt of the divinity in his human soul. The light which Jesus makes reference is not imaginary, nor a metaphor, or something symbolic, nor is any natural light, known to us is a true light, but of divine origin, supernatural, which not only illuminates, but also proportionality life, gives life. This light, which is paid only on the soul through the sacraments, is a spiritual light that illuminates the mind on the truth of the divine Person of Jesus Christ and at the same time gives the soul the life of God Who receives it and is illuminated enlivened by it. Be illuminated by this divine light means to be involved, together and in Christ Jesus, the life of the Triune God. I, with a human life, human being, I did participate, together Jesus, in God's life
Receive this light that comes from God, it is also to be incorporated into Christ, be part of Christ, his Body, train really his part, belong to Christ belongs to Christ as 'soul. The fact was baptized and members of the Body of Christ, and in the same way as a hand belongs to the body, he is part of this Body of Christ, and Christ is its Head. The hand moves in harmony with the body, according to the instructions of the head. Through baptism, therefore, have been true and real members of the Body of Christ, I was enlightened and enlivened by his divine light.
But this organic union with Jesus, made in baptism, the light and received this new life should be, for my part, fueled by increasingly detailed and authentic. If there is faith, baptism is like a dead limbs, which does not move, because it does not receive the life that flows from the head. If there is no faith, the divine light received in baptism, remains obscured, no longer shines on the soul, the soul no longer shines its light. When there is faith, the face of the soul is not addressed in the light of God, Christ gives his back on God and his light, so it remains in the shadows and is not able to illuminate.
For us, the baptized, we can illuminate the world, we must turn the mirror of the soul in this light that shines in the depths of the soul to receive the light and life by the light of Christ's face arise.
It takes only wish: to want to believe in Christ and his Church. The soul is like a window, like a door, locked from the inside, no one can open if I open it, God could do it, but he respects my decision, but not as open to Christ knocking at my door? "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If one heard my voice, I will open the door, I will come and dine with him and he with me "(Rev 3, 20).
In this way, opening the door of my soul to Christ knocks to come into my heart, I will receive no more than a ray of light, but the same Divine Sun, Christ. Opening the door of my soul to Jesus who knocks, turning the face of my soul to its divine light, having faith in Christ and His Church, my organic union with Christ becomes a living, only in this way I'll be the hand that moves organically with the body according to the instructions of the head. Only in this way, enlightened my soul from the Divine Presence of the Sun itself, I will enlighten the world with light of Christ: "Go, bring me the heart, and preach the Gospel."
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