2 egg yolks 1 tablespoon cornstarch
100 ml of milk
50 g gorgonzola
salt and pepper 100 g mascarpone
Beat the egg yolks with a pinch of salt and when they join the beautiful foamy starch. Boil the milk, eggs and pour mescopliamo until the cream thickens, join the once melted gorgonzola and well let cool, then we combine the mascarpone cheese resulting in a nice frothy cream.
FILLING 1 1 sausage broccoli
steam cook the florets in the meantime let's toast and crumble the sausage in a pan, take off a bit 'of excess fat and add the chopped brioccoletti, Cook and adjust salt and pepper.
2 eggs 60 ml milk 100 g of yogurt
60 g flour 1 teaspoon baking pies for
salt in a container pour the milk, yogurt and eggs , lightly beat with a whisk and add gently, but in one fell swoop, flour, yeast and a pinch of salt. We heat a good non-stick pan, and cook pancakes ungiamola pouring a tablespoon of mixture at a time, flatten slightly and turning after a couple of minutes. Once cool
coppapasta give it a shape with a uniform and equal for everyone.
then compose the tiramisu alternating layers: Pancake ... cream ... broccoli and sausage ... and so on until it reaches the height you want.

I served these little tiramisu at room temperature are good but I also spent a minute under the grill !!!!!

Enjoy !!!!!
a beautiful setting for this recipe:
to "cuts and carvings"

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