Friday, December 31, 2010

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INGREDIENTS 8 eggs 250 grams of semolina

400g sugar 250 g almonds, peeled and finely chopped zest of 1-2 lemons

1 cup olive oil or 1 / 2 butter and 1 / 2 oil
1 / 2 tablespoon baking

250 g of unpeeled almonds
replace lemon 1 packet of cinnamon

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Holy Mary Mother of God Christmas is

Mary is the burning bush that Moses saw [1] ( Ex 3, 1-4), which burns without being touched, the bush is his immaculate humanity, which makes the fire burn without burning it, is the fire of love Holy Spirit.

to its supernatural and glorified motherhood and femininity, she is the image and the representation of the Holy Spirit [2] . Similarly as in the Trinity the Holy Spirit is the bond of love between the Father and the Son, Mary is the bond of love between the Father and the Son made man. Being neither mother nor wife in the human sense of the words, but supernaturally, miraculously, Mary, and Holy Spirit in for the Holy Spirit is the bond of love between the Father and his Son made man [3] . In the Holy Spirit, the bond of love between the Father and the Son, flooded and filled by this divine spirit, pure and virginal, Mary becomes the bond of love between the Father and that His Son made man. Joins Virgin Mary, with its divine-human love, with his pure love of the Virgin Mother and the pure and chaste love of the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son came into the world as a child.

born without original sin through the merits of the Passion of her Son, Mary was full of grace, full of divine life, possessed in itself the purity of God and love His whole be, from its deepest roots, was filled by the Spirit of God, the divine light and love, so his femininity femininity was not a natural, equal to that of any woman, but a supernatural femininity, femininity and raised by Dignifying 'God's action in it and therefore Mary was the only worthy dwelling for the Incarnation of the Word.

For this supernatural femininity, Mary Immaculate is the Woman, in which all being is penetrated by the purity and the sweet scent of the divine nature, and therefore does not in itself any human desire, than to worship and love the mystery the eternal Word who took time from his birth in the womb become his Mother, the Mother of God

is truly the Mother of God for having created Mary the divine nature of the Word, since Word is the Divine Word by all eternity, if not for having created a human-nature made up of body and soul, assumed the unity of the Person of the Word, begotten, over time, according to his humanity, an eternal person, having the humanity and divinity [4] . It can be truly called the Mother of God that the Eternal Son of God made man, combining his person the human nature, was conceived in his humanity and was born in time from the human nature of Mary, and as the conception and birth of a person shall be assigned according to that nature in which it was conceived and born, we can say that Mary is the Mother of God [5] . It means that the miraculously begotten Son of Mary is the Son of God personally [6] , is God in the person of the Word.

In the most pure womb of Mary, is fulfilled then the most wonderful to work extra of the Trinity, the most fascinating mystery of all time, infinitely more grand and beautiful creation, a mystery before which there are no words to describe it in its majesty: the mystery of the Incarnation. She could only function appears to be the Mother of God, only his Immaculate womb could take on the infinite love of God, the Holy Spirit, who created the human body and soul to Jesus and joined the Word of God, according to the Father's will.

The Word, Almighty God, the Only Begotten of the Father, perfect as his Father for having received from him the most perfect divine nature, eternally generated by the Father, comes from the Father, and without ceasing to be what it is, namely, Holy God, comes down from his majesty of heaven to be incarnated in that heaven of majesty that is the womb of Mary. The Person of the Son of the Father, guided by the Father, led by the Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit, without leaving his divine and eternal Being, without leaving his divine nature, it is small enough to nest in a pile of human cells and starts, He, the Person of the Only Begotten Son, the Lord, the elusive, his human life to accomplish his paschal mystery, his Passion and Resurrection.

The Only Begotten of the Father leaves his eternal paradise that is to love his Father with the love of the Holy Spirit, to another nest in paradise, the smaller but no less joyful for Him, love and maternal womb of the Virgin Immaculate Conception, the only place where it could happen this wonderful work of the Trinity. The Lord entered the temple, the invisible becomes visible, the Almighty becomes weak, the Lord God is the virginal conception of man as a child.

accepting the divine Person of the Word of God, eternally generated, which has assumed a human body and human soul [7] , and giving you its substance, of his flesh, that the invisible is made visible, so the mystery hidden from eternity in God is manifested to men, becomes the Virgin Mary Mother of God [8] , the "Mother of Love Beautiful" [9] .

Finally, the divine maternity of Mary comes to us in time for his son continues to be developed in every mass in the bosom of the Church, following the model of her divine motherhood. Her divine maternity is the model and basis for the design and the spiritual birth of Christ in the Church through the priesthood in the same way as Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit conceived the Son of God and He sent down from heaven to give the its visible form, so the priest, through the power of the Holy Spirit conceived the Son of God made man and laid him in the womb of the Church in the Eucharistic species [10] .

begin this new year in the light of the divine motherhood of Mary, to you, our Mother, we ask for protection, to her Immaculate Heart we consecrate and dedicate himself to us all of our families and the whole world, so that she may transform our hearts in his heart, a heart transformed and illuminated by the divine radiance of Christ in the Eucharist, the Heart, as the bush burning, burning eternally, without being burned, with the divine fire of the Holy Spirit.

[1] See Italian Episcopal Conference, Liturgy of the Hours, Antiphon 3 ª de las de Segundas Vísperas the Solemnidad Santa María, Madre de Dios, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2, 2002, 478.

[2] Cf Josep Scheeben Matthias, The Mysteries of Christianity, Editorial Herder, Barcelona 1964, ...

[3] Cf ibidem ...

[4] See E. Brocchieri , Summary Mariana , Pauline edition, Rome 1957, 79-80.

[5] See Santo Tomás de Aquino , Suma Theologica, III, q. 27, a. 5.

[6] See Juan Alfaro, Christ Sacramento the Father, Gregorianum ...

[7] In 451, the Council of Chalcedon, against those who admit only one nature in Christ, the divine, the human being absorbed as from God, called Christ "is perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, truly God and truly man, composed of rational soul and body, consubstantial with the Father according to his divinity, consubstantial with us according to humanity before the ages generated according the divinity of the Father, in recent times according to the humanity generated by the Virgin Mary, Mother of God for us and for our salvation "(Denzinger, 148). This defiinizione was then taken up in 680 by the Second Council of Constantinople: "Mary is truly and properly the Mother of God in humanity", the two natures in Christ are "confused, inconvertibiliter, inseparabiliter, undivided" (Denzinger, 290).

[8] The Council of Ephesus in 431, called "Who does not believe that Emmanuel is truly God and therefore denies that Mary is Mother of God, let him be anathema "(Denzinger 113).

[9] Sun Augustin Guillerand Charteux , Contemplations Mariales , Rome, 1959, 58ss.

[10] See Matthias Joseph Scheeben , Los misterios of Christianity, Editorial Herder, Barcelona 1964, 577.

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We close the year 2010 with the fireworks ...

We close the year 2010 with the fireworks!
Yet another honor for a dream structure that over time you crop an elite space in the panorama of Italian and World Tourism ...

Masseria Torre Maizza
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The UK's GOOD SHRIMP RED 2011 he was awarded with the 3 Masseria Torre Maizza GOLDEN KEYS symbol of hospitality excellence.
Only 10 hotels in Italy have won the 3 golden keys
With regard to the new year to continue to do our best to always targets the most prestigious ...
Many compliments to the staff of the Colonial and great wishes for the year 2011!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Waiting for 2011 ........

await the arrival of the new year with a tasting menu for you to prepare gourmet Maizza Tower.

I take this opportunity to make my sincere wishes for the year.


Vito Giannuzzi

Gala Dinner December 31, 2010

Cream Tartutafa Aragostella with our sea
Steccata Speck of duck with mixed vegetables and
Balsamic Tapioca Pearls

* * * * *
Calamari with Garlic, Oil Crispy Calamari with Chili and
of our sea on
Cream of Broccoli and Cavatelli

Pan fried with candied tomatoes,
Lard and beads on
Greek Feta and Pesto Cream of Caciocavallo Rocket

* * * * *
Slice of raw and cooked
Adriatic Sea Bream Curry Marinated Salad with Chestnuts Delhi,
Cardoncelli Mushrooms and Tomato Confit Creamy on
Comics dentex

* * * * *
Chocolate Creme Brule
with Ricotta and Pine Nuts praline parfait, seared
Fruit Salad Grand Marnier and vanilla sauce

* * * * *
Cotechino Traditional with Lentils Greeting

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Meatballs Sicilian eggplant pasta tea


2 eggplants 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon

basil 1 clove garlic
80 grams of bread crumbs 2 eggs, beaten

salt and pepper oil for frying PREPARATION

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Divide the eggplant lengthwise and arrange on the baking sheet. Bake for about 20 minutes. When warm with a spoon remove the pulp and mash with a fork. Add the remaining ingredients and mix. Shape into balls the size of walnuts and bread crumbs to go. Fry in hot oil e. .. Bon appetit!

(from Encyclopedia of Mediterranean cuisine, P.. 16)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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INGREDIENTS 1 medium box of tuna
a bit 'of tomato sauce
garlic cream

oil 2 packets of tea

dissolve in water in which the pasta will boil a tea bag open and one closed. Prepare a sauce with tomato, cream, garlic, olive oil and tuna so that it is pink. Season e. .. good appetite.

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400 grams of flour (not more!)
80 gr
butter 2 tablespoons sugar 1
yeast dissolved in a glass of milk with a little 'sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

1 lemon, grated dark chocolate flakes


Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Even if the dough is slow does not add more flour. Let rise for 2 hours. Roll out with rolling pin and dough with your hands by making a rectangular almost 1 cm thick. Spread on a thin layer of Nutella and chocolate chips. Make a roll and slice width of 4-5 cm. Put in a buttered and floured baking pan. Let rise again until not nearly doubles in volume. Sprinkle with granulated sugar.

Bake in oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Trapezius Muscle And Vertigo


Whenever finished the Christmas binge, the promise is always the same: only vegetables from tomorrow!
In fact these days I have not seen a leaf of lettuce with binoculars even more ... I have a desperate need for a soup, a warm and inviting soup that does not require any movement of the mandible. And above all wash away the excesses of those days.
Pero 'far I prepare a shapeless mess that does not satisfy the palate or vision.
fact I was inspired sympathetic contest Jas and Manuel, those "bad boys" of Labna to create soups that have as their principal ingredients roots, tubers or any other edible things that grow underground .

So with these assumptions, I thought three velvety that, due to their different colors are well suited to be served in layers in a transparent glass.

doses indices are to prepare 4 cups, each of which is in turn composed of three layers of velvet.

TO THREE GLASSES velvety - pungent, spicy, sweet -

1) Ingredients for creamy yellow pungent flavor: yellow potatoes and ginger

  • 200 grams of yellow potatoes
  • 40 ml of fresh cream or milk
  • fresh ginger to taste: it is a herbaceous plant with fleshy rhizome much branched and which contains many active anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-nausea, bitter taste, fresh and vaguely limoncino
  • 1 / 4 white onion
  • 60 cl vegetable broth
  • salt, pepper
Slice the onion and sauté in oil. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and throw in pan. Add salt and pepper.
Add the hot vegetable stock and simmer for 20 minutes, covering with a lid. When the potatoes are cooked frullatele and grate the ginger root peeled, do not overdo it, taste it often to get a smooth taste to the right place.
Add the cream or milk until a smooth not too runny, add salt in the case.

2) Ingredients for creamy orange flavor spicy carrots, Jerusalem artichokes and spicy paprika

  • 150 grams of carrots
  • 50 grams of Jerusalem artichokes: root with white flesh, the taste is vaguely reminiscent of the artichoke
  • 40 ml of fresh cream or milk
  • spicy paprika powder
  • 1 / 4 white onion
  • 60 cl
  • vegetable broth salt and pepper
same way as the cream to the potatoes.
Slice the onion and sauté in oil. Peel the carrots and Jerusalem artichokes, cut into pieces and throw them in pan. Add salt and pepper.
Add the hot vegetable stock and simmer for 20 minutes, covering with a lid, after what blend and sprinkle with paprika spice.
Add the cream or milk until a smooth not too runny, add salt in the case.

3) Serves velvety red sweet taste: red potatoes and beets

  • 1o0 grams of red potatoes
  • 100 gr Baked beetroot
  • 40 ml of fresh cream or milk
  • sesame
  • 1 / 4 white onion
  • 60 cl of vegetable broth salt and pepper
Slice the onion and sauté in oil. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and throw it in pan. Add salt and pepper.
Add the hot vegetable stock and simmer for 20 minutes, covering with a lid, after which add the beet puree.
Add the cream or milk until a smooth not too runny, add salt in the case. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Once prepared, the three soups filled with layers of transparent glasses starting from the red velvet, and then add the orange and finally conclude with the yellow.

With this dish I participate in the contest "take root" of Labna .

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Baskets tagliatelle with artichokes and savory croissants filled with béchamel

INGREDIENTS 250 grams of noodles

4 artichokes parsley sauce

PREPARATION Cook the artichokes in thin slices. Cook the noodles until al dente. Line the molds with parchment paper and arrange the noodles. Fill the molds, alternating artichokes and sauce.
Bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.
Serve. Revisiting the recipe for Modern Kitchen, December 2010, p.. 92.

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puff pastry round

pate de foie gras

salmon soft cheese

PREPARATION Cut the pastry into 8 pieces to form triangles. Place the base of the triangle a bit 'to ripen. Wrap the pastry and shape of croissants. Continue with the other triangles.

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chickpeas lentils beans

potatoes carrots onion


PREPARATION Fry the onion. Skip berberè with minced meat. When cooked set aside. Boil the potatoes and carrots and saute fagilini with turmeric. Cookery with lentils and chickpeas with cumin turmeric. Blend.
Place on a sheet of traditional Ethiopian bread, eaten, you can buy in Ethiopian restaurants, meat, chickpeas, lentils and mixed vegetables as in the photo.

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5 eggs 200 g sugar 100 g cold butter

200 grams of flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 can of pineapple in syrup

Sprinkle the pan with a little sugar and bit 'of water. Put on the heat until browned. Sprinkle entire dish with the caramel got. Put the pineapple radially. Pour the prepared mixture.

180 ° oven for half an hour, forty minutes.

Turn the cake and sprinkle with pineapple juice.

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pineapple cake apple cake with cardamom cake alchermes


200 g sugar 300 g flour 100 g dark chocolate

1 cup oil 1 tablespoon baking apples 3

apples macerate with 'alchemes. Prepare the dough and put half into the pan. Place the apples sull'impasto radially. Place the chocolate flakes. Pour remainder of batter.

oven 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

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INGREDIENTS 3 cups flour 4 eggs

1 / 2 teaspoon cardamom 2 tablespoons butter

1 cup milk 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon baking

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cream tart apple pie Aunt Adalgisa

INGREDIENTS 1 egg 150 gr

sugar 350 g flour 100 g butter

1 tablespoon baking
liqueur to taste


2 eggs 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons flour

1 / 2 cups milk

Chicken Broth Expired After Open

INGREDIENTS 4 eggs 170 g sugar

270 grams of flour 1 cup oil 1 tablespoon baking

3-4 apples into small pieces with the juice of 1 / 2 lemon

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roll stuffed with salmon and plaice

INGREDIENTS 800 grams of salmon fillets
250 g fillets of plaice
6 artichokes
50 g sun-dried tomatoes 50 g olives

butter salt and pepper

Cook the artichokes and blend (alternatively use the artichoke pate). Place the salmon fillets on baking paper side by side. Spread the cream of artichokes, olives and dried tomatoes. Finally, the fillets of plaice. Roll it all to form a roll that will put in the oven, with butter, at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

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phyllo dough
grapes lumpfish

smoked salmon mascarpone cheese like Philadelphia

anchovy paste

formed with the phyllo dough rolled up small cones. Prepare the dough with a mixer of the filling (lumpfish eggs and mascarpone, philadelphia and salmon, mascarpone cheese and anchovy paste). Using a pastry bag posh fill the cones and put them into glasses of finger food.

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fusion cuisine .... My passion.

Fusion Cuisine is a fusion of culinary traditions and the intersection of recipes and culinary experience. This kitchen gives rise to a new generation of creative cuisine and the chef becomes an artist and designer, without losing the main objective of the his job to make the meal an enjoyable, rewarding, especially digestible and memorable to the palate. Many dishes are created real sense that the storms taste and smell will never forget. All this is fusion cuisine.

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shrimp and its variants ..

tartare of prawns on Gallipoli cream buffalo, quail egg, since, chicory salad area and of ginger ale.


buffalo prawns 30g vegetable stock 10 grams

20g ginger ale 1 pc
lecithin 3 g
Puntar elle 10 gr
quail egg 1 pc 1 pc

wine vinegar to taste salt & pepper to taste olive oil


• clean the shrimp, chop and mix with sprite
• World the chicory and cut filangè and put them in ice water and blend
• buffalo mozzarella with vegetable broth and olive oil in a bowl •
put the ginger ale and lecithin, mix thoroughly and let stand for about 30 '.
• Cook the egg in acidic water for 1 '.
• To assemble the dish lay my cream buffalo shrimp tartar with quail egg, the chicory and ginger at the end of the air obtained with the help of a mix of diving.

artichoke stew with shrimp dim sum and Greek feta.


for the dough:
potato starch flour 50 g

00 150 g rice flour 50 oz warm water 50g


• Combine the ingredients in a planetary and works re all about 10 '. Let rest for 30 '.

For the filling:

Greek feta shrimp
5 gr 30 gr

• Clean and wash the prawns.
• Cut the feta cubes.
• Roll out the dough, get the disc, and then fill the dim sum.

For the sauce:

ingredients: artichokes
1 pc

mirin broth 200gr 10gr 10gr

soybean oil salt & pepper to taste


• clean the artichokes, cut them and filange
• add oil in a sauté Olive, skip the artichokes, deglaze with mirin and soy sauce to evaporate and then wet with the vegetable broth and cook for 5 '
• Dial the sauce into a bowl and steamed dim sum.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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not know where to go for Christmas lunch?

With my sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas invites you to spend the Christmas Lunch at Torre Maizza
delight you with our Tasting Menu ...
Merry Christmas
chef ....


selection of Tempura Vegetables with Almonds

* * * * *
Crispy Cod with Pearl Heart Liquid Olive
on Cream Warm Potato and Ginger Marinated Beef Carpaccio

burratina with Winter Salad with Chestnuts and

* * * * *
Cherubini Greek Feta Stuffed Pork and Tomato Confit
Salsa and Crema di Bufala

olive leaves with Mushrooms and Sauce Chateaubriand Cardoncelli

* * * * *
Leg of Lamb with Mashed Potatoes Scented Cottage Thyme,
Sauce Spicy Chocolate and Berries Christmas Cakes Traditional

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Orecchiette with turnip tops.

Ingredients for 4 people: 320 gr
. orecchiette, 200 gr. turnip greens, garlic, olive oil, chilli, anchovy, panfritto,

salt to taste Method: Cook the
turnip greens in salted water for about three minutes and then add the pasta and finish cooking. In a sauté pan with olive oil, chilli, garlic and anchovy. In an 'other skillet toast the bread crumbs with olive oil and a clove of' garlic. Then drain the pasta with turnip tops and add to the mixture. Stir-fry for about a minute. Complete all of the previously prepared by adding the pan fried.

Buon Appetito!

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Who / Who I Am?

The answer is that they are simply a person who has made a choice of restaurants, a job, a profession where self-sacrifice and personal satisfaction should have the right balance, and this is what 'balance that makes this work something fantastic. As in life you never stop learning even in restaurants you should never say to "be" but you have to show it consistently. My name is Vito Giannuzzi was born in Castellana Grotte on 15-05-84. I started working at the age of 10 years in a small bakery of my country. The passion for cooking with my grandmother where I have to admire his traditional dishes such as baked beans piñata in the fireplace, chicken with potatoes cooked over charcoal, cooked in the sauce on Sunday terracotta containers, as a child I was fascinated by these things. After
Hotel Institute Castellana Grotte I worked in several 5-star hotel in Italy and abroad to participate in culinary competitions Amvo Federation Italian chefs to exchange ideas and dreams with my colleagues in the various regions of Italy, I'm happy have coseguito premium international champion of "Mediterranean Cooking" in 2009 in Massa Carrara.

My cuisine is based on fresh seasonal produce, thanks to which the taste of the sea and the land meet to create unique and genuine traditional recipes of our tradition Puglia.
Of course there are international dishes and the style of a cross fusion of recipes and culinary experience, with whom I enjoy discovering new cultures and products thus making the meal an enjoyable, rewarding and memorable mostly for the palate.
Each is prepared with my realization of the study products, test yourself with the help of colleagues. My passion and satisfaction and the exchange of ideas and opinions with guests from different cultures to sample our cuisine and want to know our culture.

My dream is to be able to enhance the restaurant Le Palme Masseria Torre Maizza credit, refinement and elegance of the dishes guaranteed the prestige of the Historical Guide Michelin. Why not opening my own restaurant with the help of my older brother he also proposing our kitchen chef.

My life out of the kitchen is simple, has a life of a boy of 26 years, engaged for eight years, surrounded by friends with whom I spend the evenings and I share the pleasure of eating.

live at home with my parents, my hobbies are dancing especially Latin Americans, to travel to discover the cultures and traditions and of course read culinary magazines.

Who I am?

The answer is that i am a person That has made a choice to work in the restaurants for Life a carrier were sacrifice and personal satisfaction go together in armony and that what makes this work fantastic. Such as in life you never finish to learn also in the restaurant is a neverending story. My name is Vito Giannuzzi I was born in Castellana the 15.5.1984 I started to work when I was 10 in a little bakery of my village. The passion for cooking came from watching my grandmother preparing for long hours the traditional dishes o puglia such as fava beans in clay, wild chicken on charcoal, the Sunday ragout of meat and tomatoes.
After studying at the Hotel Institute of Castellana I worked in many 5 star hotels,both abroad in Europe and in Italy. I loved to participate to many culinary competitions organized by the Italian Chefs Association and i won the international competition for best "mediterraenan cuisine" in 2009 at Massa Carrara.

My cuisine i based on fresh produce always in season and from the territory were i live uniting the freshest fish of puglia with the produces of our fertile land which i san old tradition of Mediterranean cuisine.
But I have travelled and I love to mix different culture in preparing our produces with a fusion style that is exactly what it says a mix of cultures in a dish from Puglia to give you moments of happiness and satisfaction.
I always keep on researcing produces and tecniques of blending the dishes and confronting my ideas with our staff and our friends and help this cooking process.
My Dream is to help bring out the full potential of the Restaurant Le Palme of masseria Torre Maizza bringing the style and the elegance of the prestigious Michelin Guide and in the future opening my own restaurant with my brother to make it the worklab of our experience.
My life after the restaurant is the simple life of a 26 years old boy engaged since 8 years with a local beautiful girl surrounded by friends with whom I pass the evening enjoyng the food and wine of puglia.
I live with my parents, my hobbies are most of all dancing especially southamerican music and I also love to travel to discover new cultures and to read cuisine magazines and books.