In this phase of the liturgical year, beginning of Christmas, we remember the period of Jesus' life that extends from its birth to its visible manifestation, namely the Nativity and the Epiphany. The Church, which is Mother makes us meditate on the life of Christ and we, as children of the Church, we commemorate, remember, the miraculous birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
What commemorate and remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ? What is the relationship between us, that in this Mass we remember today birth of Jesus happened two thousand years ago?
is not the intention of the Church take us only a psychological exercise, recalling the mind of Jesus' life The Church wants not just a form of union participation in our low morale, only the will. This may also do other churches, such as the Protestant and the only fact to remember or to meditate on the life of Jesus may also do a non-Christian. It is simply not in the mood to contemplate and imitate the Lord's earthly birth, in detail.
We Catholics are called to celebrate the mystery of Christ, uniting yourself to Him, our Savior, we are called to join Him not only with the will, but with our being, the divine person of Christ reigning in heaven, who lives with his Spirit in Church and the individual soul and personality in the Eucharist. We are called to celebrate and make our own, to possess in reality, the mystery of his earthly life, he was born in Bethlehem, as something that belongs to us because it is the real part of our people as a Catholic, I am called to have this as my property great reality of Christ's life, his birth, which is my salvation.
The Church wants something deeper, more mysterious, more wonderful, than a psychological reminder of a simple union with the will. What the Church wants us to do is that we unite, not only with the will, but basically, the mystery of Christ, the Person of Christ, the Church wants to merge our real, physical, with Christ, the God-Man , born as a child. He wants us to possess the Christ Child as our personal property.
Christ, who is the Sun of Justice, which illuminates and gives life and joy to the blessed spirits from the other world, is the lamp of the New Jerusalem which shines eternally with the divine light, and gives us his eternal light rays through the liturgical season, through the liturgy, through the mass. He, with his entire life, which began in the womb of the Virgin and that it will end for all eternity, is, in its entirety, the great mystery of salvation, hidden from eternity in God, but now has become manifest in the Church in its liturgy, its mass. It is with this Christ, born in Bethlehem, the eternal God and only Savior, who reigns for ever and ever, with which the Church wants to join us.
And our union with Christ reigning in Heaven and our possession of his life over time occurs in the liturgical, liturgy, because through it we do in our time the eternal life of Christ, this union is realized in the Eucharist, and materializes in the Eucharist because we recalls his divine person.
If He is Light from Light, God is the Light of the Father, his entire earthly life, even the most humble and hidden events, such as his birth in Bethlehem and how miserable his death on Calvary are actually manifestations of divine light, this divine light hidden under the guise of a human nature, hidden in a baby born to a Virgin. The liturgy plays this mystery of Christ and this light does this for us under the sacramental signs, this mystery of salvation. Therefore, the liturgy, the Mass, is a splendor of light and glory of God and eternal in our midst.
In the liturgical year we have to live in mystery, through the liturgy, this life of Christ the Lord, his journey from the womb of the Virgin, from the stable of Bethlehem to the throne of Divine Majesty on heaven. The liturgical season of Christmas allows us to relive the mystery, the earthly phase of his life that goes by the Incarnation until his miraculous birth of the Virgin Mary. Therefore, to the fact that the liturgy and the renewal of the earthly manifestation of the eternal mystery of Christ, for us, his birth is no longer ignore the world came to a Child in Bethlehem, full of poverty and humiliation, even if poverty human invisibly was glorified by the light of love and glory of God. This birth is now the Epiphany, the manifestation of deity in human flesh for the redemption and sanctification of the world [1] .
As part of the birth of Jesus? How to join in essence, personally to him, the Eternal Word of the Father born in time? The event that connects us to the Birth of Baby Jesus and Jesus Christ, Son of the Father is the mystery of the Mass, the Eucharistic mystery. It is only in the Eucharist, the Mass of Christmas-the 'one true celebration of Christmas, where we unite yourself to Christ, the eternal Son of the Father, born in time from Mary. In the Eucharist the three mysteries are linked: the Trinity, Christmas and the Incarnation, the Eucharist, we are the only Son of God in the bosom of the Father, the Virgin's womb, the womb of the Church. In all these mysteries He is hidden to our eyes, body and spirit, and only the supernatural faith can make us see the eternal Son of the Father as a child born in Bethlehem, present in people in the Eucharist.
[1] See Odo Casel, The Mystery of Christian worship , 114.
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