We are in the season of Advent, we awaited the coming of the Messiah, we have a commemoration of his birth. But it is not just a memory, it is much more: it is a "memory" that remembers and makes present the saving event. The Christian memory recalls the facts so wonderful God has worked in the past, but points out, when celebrating the sacraments, the same acts of salvation, namely, implementing and updating the redemption.
In every sacrament, and this applies especially to the Eucharist, re-live act in the healing presence of Jesus the Redeemer memory of the past, the actualization of this, waiting for the future glory. Here are the three stages of salvation in every sacrament, in every Mass. This means that today in the Mass we will remember the saving acts of Jesus, but we will also present the same acts, re-viviremo the healing presence of Jesus Christ will personally present himself shall descend from heaven to keep us in the Eucharist, to dwell in our souls. We eat the body of his glory, the Eucharist, and so we would be waiting for his second coming. We await his final return in glory.
In these days of Advent, the Church sets before us the figure of John the Baptist. There is a comparison between John the Baptist and the Church: the Church does in recent times, until the second coming of the Savior, the same function as the Baptist.
Just as the Baptist preached the imminent start of the Messianic time, because Jesus, who was already present among men, and would soon begin its manifestation as God, the Church proclaims to the people of our time that Jesus, which is already present among us in the Eucharist, will arrive ready manifesting as God Almighty.
Like the Baptist, preaching in the desert, and dressed poorly and lived in poverty, so the Church preaches in the desert, which are the big cities, rural areas, the entire civilization of our time. Like the Baptist, the true Church is alive poverty.
When the Baptist preached, there were very few who listened to the voice in the wilderness that herald the coming of the Messiah, the same way, when the Church proclaims that the Kingdom of God is the Person of Jesus and that Jesus will to judge the world, very few are those who hear.
Like the Baptist had enemies who martoriale led to the death, the witness of Jesus, it will happen to the Church-and-happening now: will be persecuted and martyred, because it will give his life as a testimony of her Bridegroom, Jesus .
martoriale The fate of the Baptist and the Church, is nothing else that martoriale participation in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
Like the Baptist baptized, the Church baptizes. But as the Church's baptism is the baptism of Jesus, there is a difference.
We are in the season of Advent, a time of expectation of the coming of the Messiah, the Child God We commemorate the first coming, and expect the second. These days, the Gospel spoke of the times prior to the public manifestation of the Messiah.
What I preach is the manifestation of the Messiah John the Baptist. What does John the Baptist?
represents the end of time of the ancient law, and the beginning of the new law. He announced the imminent arrival of the messianic era, the beginning of the fulfillment of prophecies about the Messiah. He knows he is not the Messiah, he knows that he is just a man, and that the Messiah is God made man, instead, that the Messiah is the God-Man.
Its mission is to proclaim that the Messiah has come, that the timing of the kingdom of darkness has expired, and that the time has begun eschatological Kingdom of God "Repent", John said, "because this kingdom of Satan, the kingdom of darkness and lies, will end, and will the kingdom of Jesus, the kingdom of light and truth, and this kingdom there is no other which the same person of Jesus
What is the Baptist announces the start of Jesus' public: Jesus manifested through his works-the miracles-that He is God, the Eternal Word of God, eternally generated by the Father, who now walks among men, healing, comforting them, bringing them salvation in his person.
John calls for conversion of heart to God, asking leave to do the works of darkness, because men get waxed the Light, the Eternal Light that enlightens the heavenly Jerusalem, the Light which is the Immaculate Lamb, Jesus .
John baptizes with water, but his baptism does not cause any transformation within the human being. The importance of his baptism is to cause a change of heart and therefore acts, which by this time must be good, because God is good to come down from heaven and dwell among us. But he himself is to say that Jesus baptize with the Spirit. How is this baptism of Jesus?
Jesus' baptism is a baptism of the Holy Spirit, touching, draws the innermost depths of the human being transformed and renewed by deep.
Before the arrival of the Spirit of Jesus, the soul is plunged in darkness, is full of darkness, and is outside of God, a prisoner of Satan and his kingdom. This is the consequence of original sin, the dominion of the king of the underworld on the soul. Therefore, those who die without baptism, can never to see God for all eternity.
But after the baptism of Jesus who baptizes with water and the Spirit, the soul is freed from the dominion of Satan, that the soul is washed clean by the blood of Jesus
In water baptism, sanctified by the Holy Ghost, expelled the king of darkness from the soul, the soul and enables transforming it into an abode of the Trinity. In baptism it is the blood of Christ to cleanse and sanctify the soul, it is the blood of God, the Incarnate Word.
Therefore the contact with the blood of Jesus, the soul ceases the domain of darkness, and begins to live in the Trinity.
Thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, his blood makes the soul dwells the Trinity. This soul belongs to Jesus, because Jesus purchased with his blood. With his blood shed on the soul, Jesus seals the New Covenant, the Eternal Covenant in his blood, the blood of the new and eternal.
Jesus poured his blood and cleanses the soul and purifies it, removing the original sin. The His sacrifice as the Lamb makes the wrath of God on the soul away, and he makes God look at her with love and mercy. But the blood of Jesus does more to take away sin, which is already a work of God's Jesus, with his blood, he gives himself to the soul, so that the soul has a personal relationship of love with him, and also to bring to the Father, always in the love of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus' blood, the blood of the New Covenant, poured out in sacrifice of the altar, the Eucharistic sacrifice, has the task of bringing the love and fullness of being human: personal communion with the Trinity, which is the purpose for which we were created.
In every Mass, the Immaculate Lamb is sacrificed for us, and pour out his blood on our souls, gives us to eat his body at every Mass He is at the doors of our souls, and we asks to enter, to sanctify and cheered by his presence, and with the presence of the Father and the Holy Spirit.
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