Christ brings about a miracle: chasing away the demons by the power of God (cf. Lk 4, 31-37). The demons obey the words of Christ, so recognize the power of God in them is transmitted. The power of hell can do nothing before the power of God
But Christ not only works miracles. Even his disciples do miracles. What do the miracles, the ones made by Christ and those made by the disciples?
The miracles which Christ showed that God work in him so, supernatural, who was with him and in him in a special way [1] . But the miracles wrought by the disciples and saints throughout the history of the Catholic Church demonstrates this: that God works in them and with them supernaturally. Both Christ's disciples, the saints, all driven out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead.
What is the difference between the miracles made by Christ and the apostles and saints?
The difference is that the miracles made by Christ are made by Him with the strength and divine power flowing from Him, that they belong in their own right, to the fact that He is the Incarnate Word, the 'God-Man. He, Christ, God is the Almighty, and works miracles with a power which is proper.
But the saints, the apostles, miracles do not own a power, but with the power of the God-Man Jesus, they are a tool in the hands of Jesus, through whom Jesus works and it works invisibly. They do miracles, but in the name and with the power of Jesus.
The other difference is that the miracles worked by Jesus stated in the words of Jesus: He presents herself as Emanuelle, God among us, as the Man-God, equal with God in power , in majesty and glory, and works miracles that can be done only by God's miracles bear witness to what He says of himself: He is God
Miracles Jesus is not finished. Every day, in every Mass, he continues to realize the greatest miracle, wonderful and most mysterious of all, the conversion of bread and wine into his Body and his Blood.
In every Mass, he realizes, through the ministerial priest, the miracle most fascinating of all, the Eucharist.
[1] See Matthias Josep Scheeben , Los misterios of Christianity, Editorial Herder, Barcelona 1964.
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